Friday, April 30, 2010

The Better Cook

For some people, whipping up good dishes just comes naturally. This is true for Sister Whitney. I have never claimed to be a better cook than her; she is naturally the better one. However, for those that Whitney have told that I either (1) burn every dish or (2) have made her sick every time with my cooking --- please know Whitney's second talent is in drama.

But, it is very nice to have a talented sister who likes to have John and I over for dinner. (For those that still don't realize Whitney and I live in the same town, we DO! 5 minutes from each other! She's not in Savannah yet. And won't be for at least another year which I selfishly like.)

Last night, Whitney cut up two sirloin steaks

and we fondue'd!

Whitney made a delicious side of asparagus...

and thus John was very happy .... and full.

What was my part in this? Well, of course, the non-cooks of the family are always the better cleaners.

(And the ones who tend to look the most frazzled. My hair was frizzing with each dish I cleaned because of the hot water. Steam + humidity=expanding frizzy hair.)

Now you might be saying, "Lauren - this meal would so not be hard for you to do." Probably not. I could probably win positive reviews by John. (If I could get home with the right meat and if mom would buy me a fondue pot.) But, Whitney has made other dishes that you just want to scream, "HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THAT??"

That's ok, because we all have different talents. I wonder if she would want to go head to head in a clean-house contest?

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